Plaje splendide, atracții unice și experiențe nemaiîntâlnite - Dubaiul, destinația ideală!
Citeste mai multLOCALIZAREHoliday Inn Express Dubai -Internet City se afla in zona TECOM aproape de Mall Dubai Aeroportul International Dubai este cel mai apropiat aeroportFACILITATIServicii receptie 2424Acces internet de mare viteza in lobbyHotelul este dotat cu ec . . .
Explore our 4-star Dubai hotel in Mirdif Hills Hayyakum Millennium Place Mirdif is a lifestyle destination of dining hospitality and entertainment a few minutes away from Dubai International Airport Mirdif City Center and Dubai Safari Park Visi . . .
LOCALIZARETower Rotana Hotel Dubai se afla pe celebra strada Sheikh Zayed in inima orasului avand acces direct la centrul de afaceri Aeroportul International Dubai este la doar 9 km distanta de hotel FACILITATIServicii receptie 2424Acces Wi - Fi . . .
Open your eyes to a different style of hospitality where innovation and refined excellence come together in one of the worlds most exciting cities under the contemporary influence of global fashion icon Seven Seas HotelWelcome to a place where each a . . .