Gloriously positioned on Kommeno Peninsula with thrilling views a belle epoque beach and a giant pool jardin Eva Palace is nestled in cypress gardens and olive groves only 10 minutes from Corfu town yet feels worlds away secluded framed by 2 sparkli . . .
Descriere Hotelul Eva Palace ofera o relaxare idilica pe plajele umbrite in mod natural de copaci si vederi panoramice asupra Marii Ionice peninsulei si orasului Corfu Localizare Hotelul este situat in Kommeno pe malul marii la 150 m de plajele cu ni . . .
Grecotel is excited to welcome you to the LUXME upscale all-inclusive holiday concept which combines spectacular seafront location with great service outstanding dining tailored activities sports wellness entertainment LUXME Daphnila Bay is part of . . .
HELLINIS HOTEL - 3Hellinis Hotel is situated in the area of Kanoni in Corfu next to the popular Pontikonisi islet about 600 m from the nearest public beach and 3 km from the islands airport This is an all-inclusive hotel featuring ergonomic and well- . . .
HOTEL YANNIS CORFU - 3Hotel Yannis Corfu is a 3-star property in the coastal resort of Ipsos a mere 150 m from the beach and 12 km from the airport of Corfu This hotel features newly renovated double and family rooms All accommodation options are twi . . .
CNic Hellinis este un hotel frumos de trei stele Si-a deschis portile in mai 2002 bucurandu-se de o locatie privilegiata langa orasul Corfu in cea mai cunoscuta zona din Kanoni CNic Hellinis este unul dintre cele mai cunoscute hoteluri din CorfuLocal . . .